College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Monday, February 27, 2006

No Novel, Just A Short Story

Weekend was fun- Mike's 28th birthday, we went to Malone's steakhouse for dinner, then downtown to McCarthy's afterwards. Mike brought to my attention that I've got the skills, but not the game, when it comes to girls. Or maybe I've got the game, but not the skills. Who the hell knows.

Co-op day is Wednesday in Princeton, Indiana, at the Toyota plant there. We're leaving tomorrow at 3pm and getting back Wednesday night. Should be incredibly boring or moderately enjoyable.

Josh and Andy are coming down this weekend, as well as a couple girls Keith knows. Should be a fun weekend.

The key word of today's entry: fun.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm Definitely On A Third Eye Blind Binge

Finally, the week is almost over. Or is it? I might have to work Saturday, depending on how badly my manager yells at me in tomorrow's meeting. I was supposed to work on this report for him, but without the right information (or any information at all), that was impossible. Not to mention that I was working on this on Saturday, and no one except co-ops work Saturdays. Ah well, if I didn't get fired on Monday, odds are I'll still have a job by the end of the day tomorrow.

Life's going alright for me, at least right now. Sure, I'm working around 50+ hours a week, but I stay busy that way, and it helps me keep my mind off other matters, matters that would consume my mind if I had time to sit around and dwell on them- like I'm doing now. It's not anything serious, it's just that my mind tends to wander and start thinking of all sorts of "What if" scenarios. I don't need that, I just need to appreciate where I am right now and not worry about what could've been, or even what could be.

There's been some talk among a couple of the co-ops about coming up to MSU for St. Patrick's Day, but I don't if I'm going to be joining in. We'd be leaving Thursday, and I have meetings and projects to attend to on Fridays, and work pretty much every Saturday. As much as I'd like go back to East Lansing, I don't think it's a good idea. So, sorry to the two or three people that would've wanted to see me.

This weather needs to start getting better immediately. I'll take 50s, I don't mind. I just need to run outside again, I miss that. Helps me think things out a lot clearer. Wow, I'm being way too serious. I'll stop now. I'm really only this serious maybe 5% of the time.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I Worked 12 Hours Today....

And honestly, I didn't mind it too much. After a meeting at HQ in the morning, I stayed until 8 at Georgetown since the second shift was starting production of the 2007 Camry fuel tanks. Exciting times around the plant, and just from me saying that, you can tell how boring my life has gotten again.

After work I met up with Mike at O'Charley's for a burger and a beer. He's a good guy, I'm glad he's working in the same office as me, because he's pretty much taken the role my supervisor was supposed to take. I don't mind it one bit, Mike's cool and knows his stuff, probably even better than my supervisor.

I'm just going to relax tonight; I have to work tomorrow morning, which kind of sucks, but I'm so far into overtime and getting stuff done that it doesnt really matter. Not like I have much else to do on a Saturday anyway.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Single's Greatest Valentine's Day

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Even though it should be done everyday, hopefully you took the time to tell the people that mean the most to you how important they are to you. Not a day goes by where I don't consider myself a lucky guy for having the great friends, loving family, and just overall amazing support system surrounding me.

So while I may not have someone special, someone to call my own, I realize I don't need that. I just need a few good friends and caring relatives, and I'm all set. Good night.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Anyway, Here's What Happened This Weekend

It seems weekends are really the only free time I have. And even then, I have to work some Saturdays. Thankfully, I only worked in the morning, so that left pretty much the rest of the day for doing absolutely nothing at all. I decided to get some posterboard and duct tape and lighting and try out this idea I've had for a while. Hopefully the whole wall's filled up by the time we get out of Kentucky.

Anyway, a couple of Keith's friends came to visit this weekend, so we hung out, went to the bars, just the usual. I had maybe 2 beers the whole weekend- my excuse to not drink was to just be the designated driver. I really don't see the point in drinking, but I've said that before, so there's just no reason to repeat it again. I'll hang out, go to the bar, and still have fun, just without the alcohol.

Time is really flying by though, and while I am having fun down here, I'm just as anxious to get back up to Michigan, continue life up there. Once the weather starts getting nicer, I'm going to get out more, get back to drawing and photography on the weekends, and do what I want to do.

Let's Clear Up A Few Things...

1) Do not, and I repeat, do not apologize to me for your drinking. God help me, if I hear you say "I'm sorry" once more, I will hit you in the face. It's not your fault I chose not to drink, that's an active decision I make on my part everytime I go out. I still manage to have a good time somehow.

2) I have more willpower and determination than you might think I do. Don't try and pressure me into something and expect that I'll just give in. Because I won't.

3) I am most definitely not like every other guy you might meet in a bar, at a party, or anywhere else for that matter. Don't you dare try and classify me as such.

4) I'm a strong believer in fate and karma. I know for a fact that good things will happen to/for/around me, not because I deserve it, but that's how it's going to be.

Well, now that that's out of the way, how about a regular post?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Whoooo! Weekend!

Oh, wait. I have to work tomorrow morning. But I guess a couple of Keith's friends are visiting this weekend, so I feel obligated to hang out with them tonight. Should be some fun, even though the whole "wake up at 6am on a Saturday" doesn't sound too enticing.

I finally got assigned my first real project at Toyota- I've been placed in charge of changing one of the front suspension lines to accomodate both the 2007 Camry and 2007 Camry Hybrid. The Camry Hybrid's front suspension rear cross member has one less hole, and a diferent arrangement for the electronic steering feature. Sound boring? Maybe to you, but I'm having fun with it. It's better than going through boxes of books or taking pictures.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Only 11:30, But I Should Seriously Be Asleep

Hope everyone had a good weekend, I know I did- for the most part. Overall, the drive home was worth it, just wish I didn't have to drive back. Ah well.

When we were downtown, we stopped at the Renaissance Center to check out the SportsCenter broadcast. After waiting with the crowd for close to an hour and only seeing Merrill Hodge, we finally saw 3 broadcasters step to the ESPN desk. And guess what? The desk said "En El Superbowl." That's right, we had waited to watch ESPN Deportes. After getting out of there, we saw a few more things around Woodward and called it a day. If it weren't so cold and wet and windy, I wouldn't have minded staying down there a little longer. Downtown Detroit actually looked pretty nice- well, at least the real downtown area; I'm sure the suburbs were still fairly run down.

Once again, not so much to write about as I thought. Is it possible that life is actually getting boring again? Quite.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Forget The Wrench

No more Indiana or Canada next week. Apparently some of the actual welding engineers are going instead, and they decided to bump the co-op off. That's fine, I'll probably have my hands full (of more boxes to carry downstairs) with all the work they're handing me.

Only a couple more days until I go home for most of the weekend. If I stay until Sunday afternoon, I won't be able to see most of the Super Bowl. Ah well, big loss, it's just Pittsburgh and Seattle. The important thing is catching up with my friends and taking my parents out to lunch. They'll have been married 23 years on February 6th. Dad's turning 50 this year, so we're going to have to start planning for that soon enough. And then there's their 25th anniversary, and that'll be here in no time- not to mention that I'll (hopefully) have graduated by then, and they'll be expecting me to spearhead the event.

I don't have much to say, except for the fact that there aren't enough hours in the day. I woke up at 5 this morning, worked out from 6-7, went into work at 7:30, left work at 5:15, played basketball until 7, grabbed a delicious Hot and Ready from Little Caesar's, sat around for close to an hour, and before I knew it, here I am. 10pm, and I'm calling it a night.