College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why Won't This Weekend Just End?

The short version? Most boring weekend ever.

The long version? Not much longer than the short version, but I'll try and exaggerate as best as possible. Friday after work, I worked out. That was the highlight of the day, right there. You missed it? It's right there, between work and That. Saturday? More of the same. You know it's getting bad when the highlight of your day is getting an oil change.

I just didn't know what to do this weekend; I'm getting kind of tired of just spending money, because I know it's going to come back to bite me in the ass. Luckily, it rained for most of today, so I felt justified in staying inside and drawing/watching tv/eating.

Yesterday could have been a great sports day, what with the NFL Draft, Tigers, Pistons, and Wings all playing. Results? Lions draft defense (thank God), Tigers whomp on the Twins, Wings lose a crucial game 5, and the Pistons let Michael Redd go off for 40 in a Bucks win. I've never felt like I was such bad luck, but there's a history. Last season, I was at the Engineering Building for most, if not all of the Lions' wins. Looks like I can't watch any more Detroit sports.

I'm actually looking forward to work this week, at least I'll have something to do. Good luck to everyone starting Finals tomorrow, that's gotta suck. Have a good week.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

What A Slow Week

Honestly, it felt like today was Friday, and I didn't appreciate it. I flew solo at work today and had more than enough to do, problem was, I just didn't feel like doing it. Well, that, and I really couldn't come up with the answers to a few of the questions (How the hell am I supposed to know whether or not the 240V breakers in the power panel can be replaced by 480V breakers to be used for the gantry system?). In short, I'm ready for the weekend.

I got to thinking this afternoon (doesn't happen often), and I've come to the conclusion that getting back in the habit of having classes every day and studying for those classes is going to suck giant panda balls. Such is life.

The Kentucky Derby is next weekend, and as far as I know, we're going to be partying in the infield with 70,000 other people. I'm getting to the point in my life where I want to experience as much as I can as soon as I can, and what better way than to start with The Derby?

I really want to do some fishing this summer, just me, some friends and the lake. And I want to hike, go kayaking, and maybe even some mountain biking. We'll see, my summer's only going to last two months. Better make the most of it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Quite A Turnaround

This week ended pretty nicely, I'm fairly surprised. Today was a beautiful 75 degrees, so I just hung out by the pool and finally got in. The water was a little cold, but I think it was the taste that threw me off more than anything. I really don't think I should've gone in the pool. Oops.

I'm still a little angry about how work has gone this past week. Just by taking two days off for Easter, I've been all but given the shaft by my supervisors. It seems that I'm no longer the project leader for my front suspension modifications. The project manager assigned to design and fabricate my modifications doesn't communicate with me, but instead the other two people on my team. Basically, if I had to draw a progress curve of how this term has gone, it'd be like a rollercoaster, but a really boring one. Up, Up, Up, Steady, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down (Really long drop, think Millennium Force), Down, Down, Down, Down. And now I'm just waiting to hit the brick wall at the end of this ride. A little over two more months and I'm done here. I doubt I'll be coming back, unless this ends up being my only option. My supervisors lack communication skills of any kind, and it's impossible to get anything done with no leadership.

Tomorrow, there'll be some more relaxing by the pool, then we're going to go tailgate at Keeneland, and watch some races. Should be a fun end to a nice weekend.

I don't think I'll be living at home at all this summer; I'll be done here at the end of June, and our lease in East Lansing starts in July. I'd rather just move up there immediately and relax for two months. I'm already looking forward to the pool parties and barbecues.

Monday, April 17, 2006

And Once Again...

I was right. I called it on Thursday, and it came true yesterday. I am amazing.

Anyway, the weekend went well, for the most part. Seeing family was good, it's amazing how fast everyone's growing up and growing apart. And honestly, 5 years ago I didn't think I'd care about my family as much as I do now. Besides a couple friends, family's all I've got, and I consider myself lucky everyday.

And to sum up, life sucks. It's unbelievable how things can go from worse to worst in a matter of days, but hey, that's life. It's times like these that I regret being so damn optimistic about everything. And one more thing: 99.5% of girls are a waste of time. The other 0.5% are taken. It's science.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Back in Michigan for Easter. I'm glad to be here, I'm just hoping this weekend is as fun as I hope it will be. Tomorrow and Saturday are pretty much "spend time with family" days, as is most of Sunday. I'm going to go up to East Lansing Sunday evening to watch the Pistons game with Josh and just hang out, like old times. It'll be nice catching up with the 3 friends that realize I'm not at MSU this semester.

This will definitely be my last visit to Michigan before I come back for the summer, especially with gas around 3 bucks a frickin gallon. Times like these, I'm glad I don't have an SUV. So I figure, half of April is already gone, May and June to go, and then I'll be back in Canton. What I've been thinking about more and more lately is how hard it's going to be getting back into school mode. When I go back to MSU in the fall, I'll have been off school for 9 months.

Time to have a great sleep and a great weekend, Happy Easter to all of you.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Beautiful weather for most of the day? Me, talking to a beautiful girl, and being talked back to? Me, finally feeling a sense of self worth and confidence? Me, actually excited to go back to Michigan State for a couple days?

Oh yes, things are on the up and up. And up and up.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Happy April To You

Weather's starting to get better- a lot better. And really, if you couldn't tell by now, now you know: my mood is completely dependent on the weather. So I'm in a great mood, I usually always am.

Work's going alright- most of the guys in the office have either gone back to NA or moved down to Texas for the next few months, so the place is a lot more laid back and easier to work in. My project is finally moving forward again, and I need to figure out a way to erase the 3 week delay, fast.

I got a couple days off for Easter, so I'll be coming back to Michigan Thursday night, spending the following few days with family and catching up, and then going back up to East Lansing to catch up with the few friends I care about the most. Plus, it'll just be nice being back up at Michigan State, I've really missed the people and the campus.

So to end, I'll see you if I see you, and if not, have a great rest of the week.