College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Friday, June 02, 2006

No More Mr. Big Head

When I was in third (or maybe it was fourth) grade, the doctor took my dad aside during my annual physical. "I am a little worried about his head size, it seems to be a little large for his age."

Of course, it didn't help that taking my dad aside meant moving 2 feet to the left of me; my giant ears (which were to scale with my enormous head) picked up every word my doctor said.

And finally, 11 years later, I am proud to state that my head has stopped growing, and is in fairly good proportion with the rest of my body. I might even go so far as to say that I have a nice looking cranium. If that's selfish, then forgive me, I really just wanted to rub it in that doctor's face.

I can't believe the Pistons lost tonight. No trip to the Finals this year, no ring for poor Antonio McDyess. Game 6 was probably the worst game I've ever seen this Pistons squad play. Just pathetic, no defense, no motivation whatsoever. Maybe Flip Saunders is to blame, maybe he isn't. All I know is that this loss wasn't the right way to start a work-free weekend.


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