College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Monday, October 17, 2005

Arrested Development = Hilarious

Seriously, it's a funny show. Watch it.

Pretty dreary day today. Cold, a little rainy, and just overall tiring. Go figure, it's a Monday. I've got my Econ midterm Wednesday, so tomorrow will mostly be devoted to studying for that.

I decided to get my haircut before going to Kentucky- I was going to grow it longer, but maybe after the interview. And oddly enough, we've run out of food again. Everytime we go to Meijer, we never seem to buy the actual stuff we need, and when we get back, it's like "Shit. We forgot to get stuff we can actually eat as a meal." Oreos and Ruffles just don't cut it anymore.

Tuesday should be fun.


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