College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday 3 PM Can't Get Here Soon Enough

The fact that I've got a 7:45am Programming final tomorrow and a Calc final at 12:45 is not really fazing me yet. I'm surprised I haven't crashed yet, seeing as how Kristin and I put in around 7 hours of studying (truthfully, like 4 hours of studying and 3 hours of straight up lollygagging). I haven't studied too much for Calc, but a 77% will still net me a 4.0 in the class, so I'm not too worried. Oh yeah, and we get 3 index cards. Haha, I love progressive teachers. They know we'll be able to use books at work and won't have to rely on our pitiful knowledge.

And God Bless my Stats professor, who gave me a 4.0 for my 90.4%. That definitely put me in a good mood, a good enough mood to pay a visit to Burger King and even give those odd Chicken Fries a try.

I'm not going back home until Saturday afternoon. Hard to believe this semester's come to an end so fast, and for once, I actually wish I was coming back here in January. Unfortunately, new opportunities beckon, and who am I to deny those opportunities?

EDIT: By the way, this Finals beard-turned Fu Manchu-turned handlebar mustache idea has been a bad one. I can't wait to shave tomorrow. That's what I meant by the whole 3PM not getting here soon enough.


  • At 12/16/2005 12:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good luck with your exams! and get to sleep, it's 1am and i am talking to you online u pyscho!


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