College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Friday, November 11, 2005

Done With Yet Another Week

Ending the week with a beautiful November day is a lot better than ending on a cold one. I forced myself to go to class today, which was the hardest thing I had to do all day.

We played football over at Brody today, for the first time since September. Felt good to get some energy out, though I am incredibly sore and my wrist is still killing me.

Stats test went pretty well, but I do know I got one wrong for sure. Stupid ass Poisson distributions. I really want to get out of the apartment this weekend, do something fun, but who knows. There's a CSE project that needs doing, and the Wings and Pistons are playing tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

By the way, girls are complete teases. I don't even care to pursue anything anymore, I just don't know what they're thinking.


  • At 11/12/2005 10:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't think its fair to generalize about girls... all of us aren't that bad! You'll definitely meet the right one some day!

  • At 11/12/2005 11:12:00 PM, Blogger JRumao said…

    yes, i'm sure you're all not "that bad," it's just my luck that they're the only ones I meet. Ah well, no worries.


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