College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Bring On The Turkey

It's nice to be home- I think I took it for granted my freshman year, seeing as how I came home at least twice a month it seemed. This year though, I've only been home 3 times, so anytime I do make the trip, it's always comforting.

What's not comforting is the fact that it's been snowing outside all day, and we've probably got around 3 inches on the ground already. Can't wait for the Thanksgiving football game- the Lions will probably lose, and the traffic and parking will suck, but it'll be more fun than just sitting around.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


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