College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Spontaneity Is Awesome

Instead of today being a pretty boring, cold day, it was... well, still a boring, cold day. I was going to go to the machine shop to work on some Baja stuff, but ended up going to Jackson with a girl from my high school that I hadn't talked to in 2 years. Reason? She wanted to get a dog from the Humane Society for her Army boyfriend. I didn't mind doing it, it was something different and I always like driving. Oh, and she gave me 20 bucks. Only bad thing that came out of the whole trip is the fact that I've got to vacuum the car to get rid of all the dog hair.

Stats was so gi-normously boring today that at least 87% of the class fell asleep during the 90 minutes at one point or another. I tried staying awake, but the combination of the professor's boring, monotonous voice and the even more boring material was too much to handle.

I might be going to Kentucky on Saturday, if we have enough interest in an apartment to sign for it.

Steve Mariucci got fired yesterday, but really, it should've been much more than that. If the Lions hadn't signed Matt Millen to an extension (quite possibly the most IDIOTIC move in NFL history), I'd put him on the chopping block too. Literally, I'd chop his head off.


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