College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

It's Wrong That I'm Already Tired

I have no excuse for having not posted anything yesterday, it's just been too hot to do anything. Class has just been a drag, even the first couple days, which usually aren't. I know I should be focusing on school and getting an education and all, but wow, there are some really gorgeous girls on this campus.

But to be honest, for every gorgeous girl I see, there's got to be at least 2 or 3 people that do I put it lightly...weird me out. There's the occasional fast walker, the one who's eager to break his personal record of walking from Brody Complex to Wells Hall. There's also the guy who woke up 2 hours before his 8am class to do up his hair and carefully select which Abercrombie shirt and jeans he'd wear today. And finally, and this is my favorite, there's the girl (or guy, I've seen plenty) walking by themself, just smiling at nothing in particular. Crazy. What the hell are you smiling at? Seriously, I can't be the only one that is a little put off by this.

Today's schedule of CSE 131 at 8:30 in the morning, followed by a whole bunch of nothing up until my 5:30 Stats class, is not so bad. I dropped Japanese, because it's one of the hardest languages to learn, not to mention that 5 credits cost a lot of money these days. So I'll just take my 13 credits, do the best I can in them, and keep moving along. I've got a 2 hour CSE lab at 8am tomorrow, so I'm calling it quits.

By the way, Reno 911! may be the funniest show on Comedy Central, maybe even cable tv.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Year Three Still Feels The Same

Josh and I moved in this past Thursday, and have just been relaxing since then. Andy came up for the weekend, so we decided to go to a couple parties tonight, see some old friends and some new ones.

M.A.C. was alive, as always. After walking down the street, surrounded by the smells of cigarettes, alcohol, and the weird East Lansing air, we finally got to Dan's house. As soon as we hit the front yard, I knew the party would suck. Talk about a high school reunion- it was like everyone I ever saw at the 4,500 student campus that was Plymouth-Canton Educational Park was at this damn party. Maybe it's because high school sucked, maybe it's because I didn't care for any of those people I saw tonight. We left after an hour of watching beer pong. Congrats to Casey and Jeff on a great few games.

Jess invited us to a party over at Cedar Village, so we stopped by there for a bit, just to say hey. It was already 12:30 and I was tired as hell. The apartment was definitely cool, and would have been even cooler if there weren't 60 people in a place meant for 3. I talked to Lisa for a while, caught up on what's happened in the past few weeks, and said my goodbyes. We got out of there by around 1 and got back to the apartment after an exhausting walk down Grand River and Michigan Ave. All in all, an alright night from the eyes of a sober guy.

Class starts Monday, and I'm actually looking forward to it, just for the change of pace it'll bring. I'm sure I won't be a fan of it after a week or so. I'm taking JPN 101 (Elementary Japanese), EC 210 (Economic Principles w/ Calculus), STT 351 (Statistics & Probability), MTH 235 (Differential Equations), and CSE 231 (Computer Programming, C++). This ought to be fun.