College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I Never Get Stressed

I get worried, yes, but never stressed. Crappy grade on a test? Ah well, I'll get 'em next time. Project due in half an hour? I work great under pressure! Don't have an internship yet? I'm sure I'll find one, I'm not an idiot (right?). Girl that was seemingly interested in me suddenly isn't? Well, that one is never reason for stress, unless you're one of those people that gets rejected once and think you'll never meet anyone else.

Yesterday I went to the Career Gallery at the Breslin Center. Here's a few tips:
  • Dress professionally
  • Know something about the companies you're going to talk to
  • Bring plenty of resumés
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Bring something to the table that no one else can
I try and follow most of these tips. At least 80 or 90 companies were there, and I made it a point to talk to the big companies as well as the small ones. I spoke to recruiters from GM, DaimlerChrysler, Ford, Toyota, Owens Corning, Caterpillar, Bobcat, and Boeing. I think I made the biggest impact on the recruiter from GM, so hopefully I hear back from them. As great as it would be to intern at DaimlerChrysler (and Jesus Christ, my dad is just pushing hard for it too), I'll take an internship anywhere.

Josh is going home tonight since he's getting his wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow morning. I've got a calc test tomorrow that I'll be able to study for, and a C++ project to get started on. I'll more than likely be going home Friday, since there's no reason for me to stay here for the weekend. Plus, who knows how much pain Josh will be in? It'll be good to be home, I haven't been back in like 6 or 7 weeks. So good riddance to the drama and stupidity of East Lansing for a couple days.


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