College...The Five Year Way

My junior year at Michigan State University, filled with stories, rants, and advice about the college experience at a 40,000 student campus. My f1rst year can be read about at

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here's A Rant

You know what I'm tired of? I'm tired of girls saying guys suck, that they're assholes, that they deserve to be treated better. Well no shit. Girls do deserve to be treated better, but when they say all they want is a caring guy, that couldn't be more of a lie. Think about it- the nice guys would always get the girls, and the pricks that usually get them would be lying face down in a ditch somewhere, if the world were perfect.

Unfortunately, it isn't, and girls care about more than just kindness. Good looks can take people far these days, and it's a shame that not much has changed since the high school scene. Most people are still immature, unrealistic, and so self absorbed it's hard to make any progress with a new relationship.

So I say screw it, I'm a good guy and I know it. Sorry if I matured too fast and realized some things in life are more important than getting wasted, laid, or high.

I had a C++ midterm today, and I'd like to think I did alright on it. My stats exam was scheduled for Thursday, but got pushed to next Tuesday. I've got a Calc test Friday, and the big Career Gallery at the Breslin Center is tomorrow. I'll be there for more than a few hours tomorrow hoping that someone will take a chance on me and give me an internship. How do I convey on a resumé that I'm incredibly motivated and driven to do well in a professional environment? I may not have the greatest grades or fifteen million extracurricular activities, but when it comes to work, I take it seriously. Tell me, how do I illustrate that short of just coming out and yelling it?


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